Information on Ages & Stages
Newborn Important Points 2-Week-Old Important Points 2-Month-Old Important Points Sleep and Nap Training 4-Month-Old Important Points 6-Month-Old Important Points 9-Month-Old Important Points 12-Month-Old Important Points
Formula Shortage Resources
With the baby formula shortage, what should I do if I can’t find any? H‑E‑B Baby® Infant Formulas
Strep throat, colds and flu.
Is it strep throat or the flu? 10 Cool/Weird Facts About Strep Throat
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
RSV in infants and young children. Is it more than just a cold?
Introducing Solid Foods
0-6 Months of Age NAPPA YouTube video Your baby’s main source of nutrition for the first six months of his or her life should be breast milk or formula. Breastfeeding
Traveling with Children
Traveling with children requires special planning and preparation, especially when traveling abroad. There are many things parents should consider when traveling with children of any age.